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Which Of The Following Things Are Generally True About Alcohol Advertisements?

Must Read

Della Harmony
Della Harmonyhttps://dellacooks.com
You can work quite hard, in particular online, and do quite well independently, but if you really want to grow you need points of leverage and most of them come from knowing people.


This blog will look at a few of the usual suspects regarding alcohol advertisements. The idea is to see whether this typical alcohol advertisement still holds up in today’s society.

Which of the following things are generally true about alcohol advertisements? This blog post will look at some ideas about alcohol advertisements.

Which of the following things are generally true about alcohol advertisements?

Which Of The Following Things Are Generally True About Alcohol Advertisements?

1. Drunkenness Is A Completely Risk-free Activity

A campaign like “The Joy of Six” suggested that drinking large amounts of alcohol is ok.

Light beer (“great taste”) has been developed and heavily promoted by the alcohol industry towards heavy drinkers because it is “less filling”, therefore encouraging individuals with a high alcohol tolerance to consume even more.

The ads make alcohol consumption look like a completely acceptable, even healthy activity for the everyday man to indulge in.

Moreover, these ads show that it’s great to be drinking all the time and that there is no need to worry about addiction or any of the negative side effects alcohol can have on your body and mind.

2. Alcohol Advertisements Have No Impact On Alcohol Consumption

Product marketing advertisers get the word out through various mediums to boost a liquor business, such as whiskey, tequila, vodka, etc. Some of these drinks may cause severe nausea if you consume too much of it at once and lead to alcoholism.

Ads may be appealing, but they have little effect on how many alcoholic beverages consumers consume. When alcohol was outlawed, the use of hard liquor and beer barely changed compared to when it was widely available.

You may watch many movies in which people consume grape juice and don’t realize they’re not drinking liquor or beer until they’re provided some by the individuals who were making the movies at the time.

Which of the following things are generally true about alcohol advertisements?

3. Drinking Problem Is A Common Occurrence

A photograph of a sunset-lit bridge with the text. Even a bridge that seems to be heading home for Red” is promoting regular drinking, not just Scotch.

Signs of alcoholism, like the desire to drink every day, are sometimes depicted as common and desirable. In a Smirnoff ad titled “Hurry Sundown”, a gothic lady sits frozen in a coffin-like scene, waiting for the revivifying benefits of a vodka gimlet.

These commercials feature alcohol, exactly like it does in the life of an alcoholic.

4. The Media Would Alert Us If These Goods Were Really Unsafe

Although several media tend to focus on reporting stories about alcoholism, they mostly present it as a personal issue only. While some may question alcohol advertising and its effects on people, reports on the issue are very rare.

Some media may report on alcoholism poorly, and sometimes they can be biased. The problem is that those who are not affected by alcoholism might take parts of the story and turn it into something completely different.

Some stories focus on people who get drunk and require help, but they’re not given much information on how to stay sober.

Which of the following things are generally true about alcohol advertisements?

5. Alcohol And Sports Are Inextricably Linked

It’s a fact that alcohol and sports don’t mix. While it may be most popular to picture athletes having a good time, in reality consuming alcohol can negatively affect one’s performance.

For example, Pabst Blue Ribbon shows off its brand via the use of an athletic bicyclist who is shown drinking from her branded bottle while doing tricks on her bike with her feet up.


We hope you enjoyed this blog post about “Which of the following things are generally true about alcohol advertisements?”. Alcohol is one of the most consumed substances on planet earth, and it is advertised in various ways.

Whether it is a beer ad on your television, a billboard on your drive home, or a magazine spread, we hope you take the time to think about how you might be influencing your own decision.

Thank you and make sure to follow us in the next article!

Last Updated on 1 year by Evan White

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