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Useful Beauty Tips: How To Stop Facial Hair Growth Due To PCOS?

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Della Harmony
Della Harmonyhttps://dellacooks.com
You can work quite hard, in particular online, and do quite well independently, but if you really want to grow you need points of leverage and most of them come from knowing people.

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that affects women; it is caused by high testosterone levels in your body. There are many symptoms of the disease, one of them is the excess growth of facial hair.

It can be a big challenge for those who are suffering from the syndrome, so today, we will talk about how to stop facial hair growth due to PCOS!

Why Does PCOS Lead To Excessive Facial Hair?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a medical condition in which a woman’s hormones are unbalanced. In PCOS, there is a dysfunction in the ovaries that causes the release of too many androgens (male hormones).

As a result, a woman who has too much male hormone will experience this problem in her face and body.

Androgen hormones can change the growth of a person’s hair, causing it to grow darker and thicker in places where you wouldn’t normally see any, such as cheeks, upper lip, arms, or legs. 

How To Stop Facial Hair Growth Due To PCOS?

Escaping from this hassle of Hirsutism is not unlike other situations when it comes to dealing with unwanted hair. While taking medicine that treats PCOS is effective, one can also employ more advanced or classic methods.


Electrolysis is a process that uses a constant current to destroy individual hair follicles. It is the only procedure recognized as permanent by the FDA. People use it to remove hair from most parts of the body.

The electrolysis procedure is performed by inserting a thin, sterile needle into the hair follicle and passing an electrical current. The needle is guided by the hand of the technician, and the hair shaft is destroyed. Sometimes more than one needle is used to treat larger areas, and more than one follicle is treated with each needle insertion.


There are various medications your physician may recommend to treat your Hirsutism, such as over-the-counter (OTC) treatments and prescription medications that the FDA has approved.

These medicines include spironolactone, flutamide, finasteride, eflornithine, etc. Oral contraceptives are one of the most popular medications recommended for stopping Hirsutism.

The pills are given so that a woman’s body stops its natural process of releasing an egg each month. The medication can also reduce the number of androgen hormones that trigger further hair growth, regulate a woman’s menstruation cycle.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy treats Hirsutism by using the light from a laser. This method works by concentrating the light from a laser on the follicle. The light from the laser damages the follicle, preventing the hair from growing again. People who use this method can obtain several benefits.

It is an affordable, convenient, and safe way to remove unwanted hair. It can be used on almost all body parts, including the upper lip, chin, cheeks, legs, arms, back, and stomach. This method is effective on light hair and light skin, even on coarse or thick types.

Temporary Treatments

When it comes to temporary treatments, many people think of plucking. It may be your quick-fix solution for fast results, but it is also one of the fastest ways to cause trauma to your sensitive skin.

You will be dealing with a lot more issues in the long term that could easily render those legs vulnerable and even prone to other issues such as ingrown hairs, pimples.

Waxing is also not a wise choice. Wax is typically applied to the skin while still hot, ripping out hair at its root when removed. This procedure leaves you open to contracting the same infections that would come with plucking by hand.

Although shaving isn’t so great to use on your face, it has become the simplest, most convenient way to make unwanted hair fall at your feet.

However, it will grow back within a few days, so shaving must be done frequently. An electric blade is likely to reduce the painful itchiness on your skin and lessen the risk of acne breakouts or ingrown hairs.


Hirsutism is a common problem for women who are diagnosed with PCOS, but it does not mean that you accept the facial hair growth problem as a fate and live with it.

We hope this blog post about how to stop facial hair growth due to PCOS has helped you find some new strategies to deal with your problem. If you have any other questions or concerns about this topic, please contact us anytime!

Last Updated on 1 year by Evan White

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