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How To Make A Sunflower Wreath: A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Your Own Masterpiece

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Della Harmony
Della Harmonyhttps://dellacooks.com
You can work quite hard, in particular online, and do quite well independently, but if you really want to grow you need points of leverage and most of them come from knowing people.

With this easy DIY sunflower wreath craft, you can capture the unadulterated beauty of blooming sunflowers. Our easy craft is a lovely door hanging with floral inspiration made from supplies like burlap ribbon, pipe cleaners, and an inexpensive wire wreath form. You can display this sunflower wreath all year long because it effortlessly goes from spring to fall. Additionally, it pulls together quickly, so you can have a lovely front door accent in no time. Additionally, you may change up the colors to create a style that is uniquely yours if you have a particular flower that you’d like to highlight.

What Do You Need to Make a Sunflower Wreath?

Resources / Tools

  • 1 Cutting mat
  • 1 Scissors
  • 1 Rotary cutter


  • 1 10-inch wire wreath frame
  • 1 Pipe cleaners
  • 1 Brown 10-inch by 10-yard poly burlap deco mesh
  • 1 Green 10-inch by 10-yard poly burlap deco mesh
  • 1 Yellow 10-inch by 10-yard poly burlap deco mesh
  • 1 Zip ties

How to Make a Sunflower Wreath

Step 1

Make Leaves

  • On top of a cutting mat, lay down the green burlap ribbon in a roll.
  • Cut the ribbon into five pieces, each approximately 11.5 × 10 inches, using a rotary cutter.
  • Five pipe cleaners should be twisted onto the wire wreath frame, evenly spaced along the outer perimeter.
  • To form a bowtie, fold two of the clipped corners of a ribbon piece toward the center and pinch them together.
  • To attach the ribbon to the wreath frame, stack it on top of a pipe cleaner and twist the center.
  • To secure the final four ribbon pieces, keep going around the frame. These will grow into the leaves of your flower.

Step 2

Add Yellow Petals

  • Using the rotary cutter, cut 30 pieces of yellow burlap, each 10 by 10 inches.
  • Start with five pipe cleaners and add more as necessary as you twist them onto the next rung of the wreath frame.
  • Use the folding and pinching method to shape each piece of yellow ribbon into a bowtie shape, which will serve as the petals.
  • Layer two yellow petals on top of each pipe cleaner as you place the petals on top of the pipe cleaners and fasten them with a twist.
  • To make the petals offset from the preceding layer, stagger the pieces around the frame.
    Repeat until you reach the wreath frame’s center by going up one rung at a time.

Step 3

Create the Flower’s Center

  • Three pieces of brown burlap, each 2 feet by 10 inches long, should be cut. The strips should be gathered together and fastened at one end with a zip tie.
  • The three portions should be braided together. Secure the end with another zip tie, then trim any extra plastic from the knot using scissors.
  • At each quarter-turn, secure the braid using zip ties to form a circle.
  • Using zip ties to fasten it in the back, turn the wreath over and insert the braided circle in the center.

Last Updated on 1 year by Evan White

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