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4 Effective Ways To Reverse Prediabetes

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Evan White
Evan Whitehttps://dellacooks.com
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Prediabetes is a common medical condition that affects almost 40 percent of people in the United States. This condition is where your blood glucose levels are higher than normal, and it can lead to type 2 diabetes. Luckily, many people can stop prediabetes in its tracks before it gets worse by making a few lifestyle changes. Here are a few effective modifications you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help reverse prediabetes.

Eat Regular Meals

Those with prediabetes are prone to developing type 2 diabetes and have issues with maintaining steady blood glucose levels. Eating meals at regular intervals every day can help you avoid fluctuations and will help keep your blood sugar levels steady. You can help reduce fluctuations by regulating the number of carbs you eat and making sure you consume a consistent amount at every meal. Prediabetics should also try to eat less starchy vegetables and replace them with alternatives such as spinach, green beans, and broccoli. In addition, filling up on whole foods instead of processed foods and consuming fewer foods that include refined grains and added sugars can make a huge difference too.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop serious conditions, and research suggests they might also have reduced insulin sensitivity. Therefore maintaining a healthy weight can help improve sensitivity and lower blood sugar. According to the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP), overweight prediabetics who reduce between 5 percent and 7 percent of their body weight can make a notable improvement in their blood sugar levels. In addition, they can also reduce their chances of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 58 percent. Eating a balanced diet and sticking to healthy portion sizes can help you manage your weight and blood sugar better.

Lead an Active Lifestyle

Additionally, an active lifestyle can also boost insulin sensitivity. Exercising regularly promotes healthy glucose absorption of the muscle cells, which can then be used metabolically. In turn, sugar levels in the bloodstream are reduced. In fact, studies show that working out the body can continue lowering blood glucose levels for up to a day afterward. Although any form of exercise is beneficial, vigorous exercise and strength training can help improve glucose control more accurately in the long term. A great way to make sure the exercise you choose is making a difference is with a blood glucose monitor kit. These kits can help analyze your blood glucose results and make sure your body is responding to insulin effectively.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of plain water throughout the day can help your body control blood glucose levels. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, women should drink 2.7 liters of water per day, while men should aim for 3.7 liters. Some studies associate dehydration with elevated blood glucose levels and that those who drink enough water every day are less at risk of developing new-onset hyperglycemia – a condition related to diabetes. Quenching your thirst with water can help you control your blood sugar.

Last Updated on 7 months by Evan White

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